Title: The antecedents of store patronage behaviour in Indian kirana store
Authors: M. Hemalatha; S. Najma
Addresses: Department of Management Studies, M.A.M. College of Engineering, Siruganur, Trichy – 621 105, Tamilnadu, India ' Department of Management Studies, M.A.M. College of Engineering, Siruganur, Trichy – 621 105, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract: The food retailing landscape is changing dramatically. India is the ninth-largest retail market in the world. It is expected to grow further in the coming years. At present, organised retailing comprises only 6% of the market, Indian consumers purchase food primarily at kirana store and kirana store accounts for 61% of food sales. This study investigates the influence of store attributes of Indian kirana store on store patronage behaviour. The study examines the influence of different store attributes such as customer service, price, salesman response, convenient payment and delivery and merchandise on store patronage behaviour. A total of 156 shoppers were surveyed in different Indian cities. We have constructed a multiple regression model on store patronage behaviour. Our store patronage behaviour model confirms that customer service, salesman response and convenient payment and delivery have the greatest impact on the store patronage behaviour in Indian kirana store.
Keywords: store patronage behaviour; kirana stores; store attributes; India; food retailing; customer service; price; salesman response; convenient payment; convenient delivery; merchandise; multiple regression modelling.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2013.056178
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2013 Vol.7 No.5, pp.554 - 571
Published online: 27 Dec 2013 *
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