Title: Innovation and learning through knowledge gatekeepers: a critical examination of the relationship between trust, openness, and the use of gatekeepers in organisations
Authors: Deogratias Harorimana
Addresses: Graduate School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of the South Pacific, Private Bag, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji
Abstract: The term 'gatekeeper' is widely used to represent a class of those who collect information, knowledge and contextualise this before they can share with the rest of the members of the organisation knowledge networks - both formal and informal organisations. In this study, it was found: 1) that there is a strong relationship between the openness of a given firm, as regards its knowledge sharing culture and level trust, and that firm's use of knowledge gatekeepers; 2) that the stage of a given firm's growth corresponds to its strategic use of different types of gatekeeping. In early and decline (renewal) stages, for instance, firms tend to maintain an informal gatekeeping strategy, while firms who are in the peak phase generally focus on formal gatekeeping.
Keywords: knowledge gatekeepers; informal organisations; formal organisations; innovation; knowledge transfer; organisational culture; trust; organisational learning; technological gatekeepers; knowledge transactions; openness; knowledge sharing; firm growth.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2013 Vol.14 No.3/4, pp.350 - 382
Published online: 30 Sep 2013 *
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