Title: An exploratory study of seniorpreneurs: a new model of entrepreneurial intentions in the French context
Authors: Adnan Maâlaoui; Sylvaine Castellano; Imen Safraou; Malek Bourguiba
Addresses: Strategy and Management Department, ESG Management School, 25, rue Saint Ambroise, 75011, Paris, France ' Strategy and Management Department, ESG Management School, 25, rue Saint Ambroise, 75011, Paris, France ' Strategy and Management Department, ESG Management School, 25, rue Saint Ambroise, 75011, Paris, France ' Université de Nancy, 34 cours Léopold, CS 25233, 54052 Nancy cedex, France
Abstract: In this research paper, we argue that a model of 'seniorpreneurship' can be created and explained. We use psychosocial theories in the context of aging processes to explain and understand entrepreneurial intentions among seniors who have retired or are close to retirement. The goal of this study is to answer the following research question: what are the explanatory variables or dimensions for entrepreneurial intentions among 'seniorpreneurs?' In particular, we aim to explore the factors that foster or impede the feasibility and desirability of entrepreneurial intentions among seniorpreneurs.
Keywords: seniorpreneurship; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial intention; desirability; feasibility; qualitative study; psychosocial theories; aging process; senior citizens; retirement; France.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2013.056276
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2013 Vol.20 No.2, pp.148 - 164
Published online: 30 Apr 2014 *
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