Title: How an enlarged maintenance function affects the performance of industrial maintenance and maintenance services
Authors: Ulf Sandberg
Addresses: Dept of Engineering Science, University West, S-46186 Trollhattan, Sweden
Abstract: Today, many companies struggle with maintenance work established by pre-requisites during installation, start-up and use of plants, systems and machines. In search for improvements in existing maintenance organisations, it is easy to conclude that they look like and is a direct consequence of previous engineering decisions and activities. Maintenance work, however, only exists in the operation phase with weak coupling to what created it. Using an empirical knowledge base, several examples of this narrow view on maintenance is given along with the consequences it results in today. By linking together activities in the establishment life-cycle phase with the operation phase it is shown how an enlarged maintenance function could improve the situation. Using references to the leading actors creating the frontier today it is illustrated where most companies could be tomorrow. The paper hopefully will contribute to how maintenance processes and activities are being designed, set-up and carried out.
Keywords: maintenance improvement; maintenance performance; maintenance services; maintenance processes; product performance; product knowledge; life-cycle phase; operation phase; maintenance function enlargement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2013.056323
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, 2013 Vol.1 No.3, pp.265 - 275
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *
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