Title: The effects of perceived organisational support, social capital, and health promotion on job satisfaction of employees in hospitals
Authors: Chung-Hung Tsai
Addresses: Department of Health Administration, Tzu Chi College of Technology, 880, Sec 2, Chien-Kuo Road, Hualien, 97005, Taiwan
Abstract: Owing to high-risk, knowledge-intensive, extremely stressful and competitive industrial environment, medical institutions gradually value the concepts of social capital and health promotion, reflecting the industrial trend and highlighting professional needs. In addition, building a hospital environment with high social capital and health promotion needs organisational support. However, there are still limited studies simultaneously considering the influence of perceived organisational support, social capital and health promotion on job satisfaction of employees in hospitals. The study aims to explore the relationship among perceived organisational support, social capital (interpersonal trust and institutional trust), health promotion, and job satisfaction. A survey of 2,884 employees of 16 hospitals were selected as research subjects. The findings show that perceived organisational support has significantly positive effect on institutional trust and health promotion. This study also confirms that social capital and health promotion are important mediators between perceived organisational support and job satisfaction. Meanwhile, with regard to the interrelationship among the mediators, institutional trust influences significantly interpersonal trust and job satisfaction. Furthermore, perceived organisational support, followed by institutional trust in order, has the strongest total effects on job satisfaction relative to the other factors. This study provides important implications that organisational support, social capital and health promotion aspects should be simultaneously valued and reinforced by organisations to achieve better employees' job satisfaction in hospitals.
Keywords: organisational support; social capital; health promotion; institutional trust; interpersonal trust; perceived support; job satisfaction; hospital employees; hospitals; healthcare management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2013.056511
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2013 Vol.7 No.2, pp.135 - 160
Published online: 30 Jun 2014 *
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