Title: Design of satellite TV antenna control system for car carrying
Authors: Xiao Yu; Yuan-Zhang Li; Qing-Gang Liang; Xiu-Mei Ding; Hong-Liang Chen; Yi-Hao Liu; Kai Fan; Yu-An Tan
Addresses: School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo Shandong, China; Beijing Engineering Research Center of Massive Language Information Processing and Cloud Computing Application, School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Abstract: In this study, we design a satellite TV antenna control system for car carrying with sensor technology, strapdown inertial navigation technology and signal processing technology. The control system uses dsPIC, GPS, 3-axis electronic compass, gyro, tuner and demodulator to work together. The process of system is divided into initial pointing stage and inertial navigation pointing stage. Experimental results show that the system can effectively improve the control accuracy and response speed.
Keywords: communications on the move; satellite TV antenna; servo control; GPS; global positioning systems; antenna control design; antenna control systems; car carrying; sensor technology; strapdown inertial navigation; signal processing; vehicle communications.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2013.056556
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2013 Vol.6 No.4, pp.412 - 418
Received: 16 May 2013
Accepted: 25 Jun 2013
Published online: 16 Oct 2014 *