Title: A target tracking system using sensors of multiple modalities
Authors: Shuqing Zeng
Addresses: Electrical and Controls Integration Laboratory, GM Research and Development Centre, 30500 Mound Road, Warren, Michigan 48090, USA
Abstract: Radar sensors and camera based vision systems will be used to provide object data in many Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In this paper, a multi-sensor target tracking system that combines data from a Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar, multiple Short-Range Radars (SRR), a camera-based object detection system and vehicular dynamic sensors is described. Each object sensor individually measures the range, range rate and azimuth angle information of all objects within the observation region. The proposed system 1) groups objects from different sensors in overlapped observation region; 2) tracks an object across different sensor field of views; 3) reports the Cartesian coordinates of objects with improved accuracy and reduced rates of false detection and missed detection. The proposed target tracking system was implemented in a retrofitted vehicle. Only about two-percent CPU usage is needed for an 800MHz embedded processor. The output data was directly used by several vehicle features such as low-speed collision avoidance and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems.
Keywords: vehicle safety; advanced driver assistance systems; multi-target tracking; multiple sensors; multiple modalities; multi-sensor systems; target tracking; radar sensors; camera based vision systems; object detection; vehicle dynamics; retrofitted vehicles; collision avoidance; adaptive cruise control; ACC.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVAS.2013.056632
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 2013 Vol.11 No.4, pp.384 - 404
Received: 24 Jan 2011
Accepted: 22 Dec 2011
Published online: 30 Sep 2014 *