Title: Determinants of m-shopping quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions: the IS success model perspective
Authors: Lisa Y. Chen
Addresses: Department of Information Management, I-Shou University, 1, Sec. 1, Syuecheng Rd., Dashu District, Kaohsiung 840, Taiwan
Abstract: Although consumers make new demands and seek added value through mobile shopping (m-shopping), consumers are reluctant to shop using a mobile device because of growing concerns over the quality of a mobile shopping system. As the popularity of m-shopping has grown to be a new marketing channel, research into the quality of the m-shopping system is still in its infancy. The objectives of this study are pursued through developing a comprehensive research framework used for exploring the identified factors affecting the adoption of m-shopping in Taiwan. This study integrated the information system (IS) success model to explore various relationships between m-shopping quality and its effects on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions. Data were collected using a self-administered survey. The proposed model was then estimated using the partial least squares (PLS) regression. The results fully supported the proposed model. Discussion of the implications and suggestions for further research are also provided.
Keywords: mobile shopping quality; m-shopping; marketing channels; information systems; IS success model; customer satisfaction; purchase intentions; modelling; Taiwan.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2013.056759
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2013 Vol.9 No.4, pp.543 - 558
Published online: 30 Jan 2014 *
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