Title: Fitting a bionic eye to the body: how haptics can help
Authors: George H. Van Doorn; Barry L. Richardson; Dianne B. Wuillemin
Addresses: School of Applied Media and Social Sciences, Monash University, Churchill 3842, Australia ' School of Applied Media and Social Sciences, Monash University, Churchill 3842, Australia ' School of Applied Media and Social Sciences, Monash University, Churchill 3842, Australia
Abstract: The function of any visual prosthetic will be to generate patterned stimulation of the visual cortex arising from either direct stimulation (e.g. using cortical implants) or more peripheral inputs (e.g. an artificial retina). Direct cortical stimulation may result in patterns containing relatively few elements (say 10-100) while an artificial retina may deliver more complex patterns. We propose that regardless of the site of intervention, a tactile copy of the input, delivered to the skin at the same time as it is sent to the visual cortex, will offer significant advantages, especially during early stages of testing and development in which the user must 'make sense' of the novel input. The advantages of such a display include: (1) exploitation of multisensory processes such as cross-calibration, learning to discriminate sub-threshold stimuli and perceptual redundancy, (2) a means of measuring strengths and weaknesses of the prosthetic's visual input and evaluation of improvements and (3) a way of quickly adapting the congenitally- or late-blind user to the prosthetic.
Keywords: haptics; tactile; touch; bionic eye; visual prosthetics; supplementary; complementary; enhancement; sensory integration; visual cortex; multisensory processes; sub-threshold stimuli; perceptual redundancy; patterned stimulation; cortical implants; artificial retina.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2013.056822
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 2013 Vol.6 No.4, pp.377 - 390
Published online: 13 Sep 2014 *
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