Title: The climate challenge and EU cohesion policy: implications for regional policies
Authors: Elisavet Thoidou
Addresses: Department of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract: Climate change constitutes a global threat, which has strong territorial dimensions and which affects the vulnerability of cities and regions all over the planet. The EU cohesion policy has, from the very beginning, been mobilised to deal with climate challenges, not only because it receives the bulk of the EU funding (along with agricultural policy), but also since it is strongly linked to regional planning and regional development policies, both of which are utilised in the effort to address climate change. This paper seeks to examine the way EU cohesion policy takes into account the challenge of climate change. It also investigates the strategies which are promoted at the regional level. This is of particular importance in view of the forthcoming post-2013 programming period and in view of the need for regions to take advantage of new cohesion policy strategies that place increasing emphasis on climate-related issues.
Keywords: climate change; regional vulnerability; EU cohesion policy; regional planning; regional development policy; European Union.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2013.056946
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2013 Vol.7 No.3, pp.303 - 320
Published online: 02 Oct 2013 *
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