Title: An analysis of security vulnerabilities of the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live mobile network
Authors: Pat Engebretson; Ashley Podhradsky; Cindy Casey
Addresses: Dakota State University, 820 N Washington Ave., Madison, South Dakota, 57042, USA ' Dakota State University, 820 N Washington Ave., Madison, South Dakota, 57042, USA ' DeSales University, 2755 Station Ave., Center Valley, Pennsylvania, 18034, USA
Abstract: The growing popularity of using gaming consoles beyond entertainment purposes may increase the risk of intrusive activities and security vulnerabilities. Microsoft announced their plan to integrate internet explorer in the Xbox 360 platform in 2012, which aids their stated goal of turning the gaming console into more of an entertainment device, opposed to merely gaming. The overall goal of this paper is to determine if known internet explorer (IE) vulnerabilities will be introduced into the gaming platform. It will include recommendations for Xbox users (particularly teen users) to protect themselves and their Xbox 360 from invasive actions. The paper will also look at penetration exercises that were conducted on the Xbox 360 to determine if known IE vulnerabilities would impact the Xbox 360. This paper will also explore an online survey conducted to determine if parents of teenagers are concerned, or simply aware of security vulnerabilities associated with their Xbox 360.
Keywords: digital forensics; Xbox gaming console; security vulnerabilities; Internet Explorer; Xbox 360; Xbox Live; mobile networks; network security; teen users; teenagers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMNDI.2013.057144
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 2013 Vol.5 No.1, pp.9 - 16
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *
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