Title: Data mining-based big data analytics: parameters and layered framework
Authors: Vishal Bhatnagar
Addresses: Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research, Geeta Colony, Delhi – 110031, India
Abstract: The growing data size and finding information's from such bulk data need to be addressed. The term coined big data has found its vital importance in modern day business. With petabytes of data, it becomes essential that such new technologies need to be applied to the modern business for finding nuggets of the information hidden from it. The author felt the need to find the guiding parameters which can help the business users to understand at which stage need of big data and its relevant analytics is required and better for the organisation. These parameters will help the business user to enable them to find at what time they should be going for such technological changes in their setup. The blend of technologies which are needed and used to make a viable solution for the big data analytics in the organisation is high and this demands use of layered framework for effective implementation of the big data analytics using a most emerging analytical tool data mining as presented in this paper by the authors.
Keywords: data mining; big data analytics; MapReduce; Hadoop; large scale algorithms.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSYSE.2013.057224
International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering, 2013 Vol.1 No.4, pp.265 - 276
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *
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