Title: On topological structure of web services networks for composition
Authors: Chantal Cherifi; Jean-François Santucci
Addresses: SPE Laboratory, Corsica University, UMR CNRS 6134 Quartier Grossetti, BP 52, 20250 Corte, France ' SPE Laboratory, Corsica University, UMR CNRS 6134 Quartier Grossetti, BP 52, 20250 Corte, France
Abstract: In order to deal efficiently with the exponential growth of the web services landscape in composition life cycle activities, it is necessary to have a clear view of its main features. As for many situations where there is a lot of interacting entities, the complex networks paradigm is an appropriate approach to analyse the interactions between the multitudes of web services. In this paper, we present and investigate the main interactions between Semantic Web services models from the complex network perspective. Results show that both parameter and operation networks exhibit the main characteristics of typical real-world complex networks such as the 'small-world' property and an inhomogeneous degree distribution. These results yield valuable insight in order to develop composition search algorithms, to deal with security threat in the composition process and on the phenomena which characterise its evolution.
Keywords: web services; service composition; interaction networks; complex networks; semantics; topological structure; semantic web.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2013.057229
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2013 Vol.8 No.3, pp.291 - 321
Published online: 31 Mar 2014 *
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