Title: Movement-aware and QoS-driven indoor location and mobile service discovery framework
Authors: Mohamed Adel Serhani; Wassim El-Hajj
Addresses: College of Information Technology, UAE University, P.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, UAE ' Computer Science Department, American University of Beirut, Beirut 1107-2020, Lebanon
Abstract: The ever evolving wireless technology and the advances in mobile devices induced a growing interest in indoor location-based services (ILBS). In this paper, we propose an ILBS discovery framework that finds the accurate indoor location of mobile users and provides information about services within the users' surrounding area keeping in mind the client's Quality of Service (QoS). It also provides support for movement-aware services where the path the mobile user takes is recorded to provide richer awareness of the client's context than pure location. An ontology chain is proposed to support service discovery and to capture context information dynamically from different client's locations, then map it to both single and composite web services. Comprehensive experiments, comparative study with other ILBS approaches, and performance evaluation were conducted. The results demonstrate that our proposed scheme outperforms the state-of-the-art methods presented in the literature and achieves very high localisation and service discovery accuracy.
Keywords: mobile computing; wireless networks; location-dependent; nomadic computing; service discovery; ontology; QoS; movement-aware services; indoor location; quality of service; mobile services; m-services; context information; performance evaluation; localisation accuracy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2013.057398
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2013 Vol.6 No.5, pp.481 - 500
Received: 13 Oct 2012
Accepted: 16 Jul 2013
Published online: 16 Oct 2014 *