Title: Influence of regular and random cutting tool deformation on the cutting force of three-dimensional turning operation
Authors: Samy E. Oraby
Addresses: Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College of Technological Studies, The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, P.O. Box 42325, Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait
Abstract: The current work emphasises the impact of the various modes of cutting tool edge wear and failure on the different force components considering the three-dimension orthogonal continuous machining using multi-coated carbide tips. Edge force is usually attributed to the ploughing and rubbing actions on the tool-workpiece interface which, in turn are associated with the extent of the inevitable wear modes: nose, flank, and notch wear. Modelling of the experimental results using linear and non-linear regression analysis is established to qualitatively and quantitatively grasp the functional interrelation among the involved parameters. Results indicated that all force components are, to different extents, affected by all edge wear land modes. However, it is shown that each of the observed edge wear and failure has its own potential on specific force components and on specific cutting pressure.
Keywords: cutting tools; tool wear; tool deformation; carbide inserts; cutting forces; mathematical modelling; cutting pressure; 3D turning; edge wear; tool failure.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2013.057585
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2013 Vol.14 No.4, pp.311 - 341
Received: 01 Oct 2012
Accepted: 14 Jan 2013
Published online: 26 Dec 2013 *