Title: Prediction of a vehicle maximum forward speed to pass double lane change manoeuvre
Authors: Xiaobo Yang
Addresses: Oshkosh Corporation, P.O. Box 2566, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2566, USA
Abstract: In this study, a simple method is proposed to predict the maximum speed for a vehicle to pass a double lane change (DLC) test manoeuvre. This method utilises a simple roll plane model with only four parameters to predict the vehicle centre of gravity (CG) lateral acceleration limit. Then the allowed minimum curvature radius of the vehicle CG trajectory during all possible DLC manoeuvres is maximised using an optimisation approach. The vehicle CG lateral acceleration predicted by the simplified roll plane model is compared with that predicted by a well-correlated full vehicle multi-body ADAMS model; the maximum speed passing DLC manoeuvre predicted by the proposed method is then further compared and validated with field test data from the same vehicle.
Keywords: double lane change; roll plane models; roll stability; vehicle rollover; vehicle centre of gravity; maximum speed; vehicle performance; vehicle speed; lane change manoeuvres; modelling; lane changing.
International Journal of Vehicle Performance, 2013 Vol.1 No.1, pp.49 - 68
Received: 25 Aug 2011
Accepted: 07 Jun 2012
Published online: 12 Jul 2014 *