Title: Analytical models for the boundary condition of a control by pulsed jets
Authors: Patrick Gilliéron
Addresses: Research and Development in Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics, RDMFA, 5, impasse des soupirs, 78640 Neauphle Le Chateau, France
Abstract: An analytical model is proposed to represent the evolution of the time-dependent flow rate in the exit plane of a two-dimensional pulsed jet. The actuator consists of a single channel and several closing equations are proposed. The channel geometry upstream of the exit plane consists of a succession of contractions and enlargements whose some dimensions vary with the closing equation. The influence of the closing equations on effective velocity, the fluid volume, volume flow rate and momentum injected into the flow on the half-period of closing and on the momentum coefficient are successively analysed and discussed.
Keywords: aerodynamics; control; actuators; pulsed jets; modelling; time-dependent flow rate; velocity; fluid volume; volume flow rate; momentum.
International Journal of Aerodynamics, 2014 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.61 - 69
Published online: 05 Jul 2014 *
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