Title: The transparent knowledge worker: weblogs and reputation mechanisms in KM systems
Authors: Jo Ann Oravec
Addresses: College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 800 W. Main, Whitewater, WI 53190, USA
Abstract: Varieties of knowledge work are proliferating in almost every economic sector and particularly in entrepreneurial and innovative organisations. Transparency in knowledge work (including openness, contextual sensitivity and reflection) allows for expanded perspectives on employees| initiatives as well as increased value for organisations. Entrepreneurial and innovative organisations could especially benefit from the enhanced perspectives on external and internal organisational activities that such transparency would foster. The rapid evolution of knowledge-based weblogs (klogs) in itself shows how useful computer applications can emerge in innovative organisations through openness and reflection. The article outlines specific strategies for managers and entrepreneurs to make knowledge work transparent. It also emphasises how privacy and social considerations should be taken into account in these efforts.
Keywords: knowledge management; organisational learning; weblogs; klogs; reputation systems; information overload; personality; critical thinking; creativity; organisational transparency; entrepreneurship; privacy; social issues.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.28 No.7/8, pp.767 - 775
Published online: 05 Dec 2004 *
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