Title: Governance and management strategies in national parks: implications for sustainable regional development
Authors: Michael Getzner; Marte Lange Vik; Eivind Brendehaug; Bernard Lane
Addresses: Center of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy, Vienna University of Technology, Resselgasse 5, 1040 Vienna, Austria ' Western Norway Research Institute, PO Box 163, 6851, Sogndal, Norway ' Western Norway Research Institute, PO Box 163, 6851, Sogndal, Norway ' Western Norway Research Institute, PO Box 163, 6851, Sogndal, Norway
Abstract: This paper examines two European national parks (Jostedalsbreen, Norway; Hohe Tauern, Austria) and explores the connection between management strategies and regional sustainable development. The paper shows that contextual factors play an important role in the designing management organisation. Park management is adapted to specific conservation policies: the Austrian management is suited to "high use pressure full range" areas, while the Norwegian model fits the lower pressure and high mountain conservation approach with very limited use demands. The complex management structure in Austria is a result of national and regional structures; the Norwegian model comes from national sector policy approaches.
Keywords: conservation management; protected areas; national parks; management strategies; governance; sustainable regional development; sustainable development; regional sustainability; environmental protection; Norway; Austria; management structure.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2014.057891
International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2014 Vol.6 No.1/2, pp.82 - 101
Published online: 25 Oct 2014 *
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