Title: Centralised controller for manufacturing systems through liveness extraction approach
Authors: Abdelouahed Tajer; Alexandre Philippot; Véronique Carré-Ménétrier
Addresses: National School of Applied Sciences, Cadi Ayyad University, P.O. Box 575, Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi, 40000, Gueliz, Marrakech, Morocco ' Centre de Recherche en STIC, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France ' Centre de Recherche en STIC, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France
Abstract: Following our work on the control synthesis based on the Ramadge and Wonham theory, we propose a refined centralised control approach. This approach requires modelling the plant, and some safety and liveness constraints. We propose to model the plant by a method based on occurrence and precedence rules to model the plant, and to use logical equations to model the constraints. The control synthesis approach makes it possible to use liveness extraction of controller to get functional behaviour of manufacturing discrete systems. To illustrate these new concepts, we propose to test them on an example of transfer system.
Keywords: discrete event systems; DES; Boolean algebra; control synthesis; supervisory control theory; SCT; liveness extraction; manufacturing systems; modelling; controller design; centralised control.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2013.058175
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2013 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.189 - 213
Published online: 12 Jul 2014 *
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