Title: Recent advances of Lattice Boltzmann techniques on unstructured grids
Authors: Stefano Ubertini, Sauro Succi
Addresses: Dip. Ingegneria Meccanica, Universita di Roma ''Tor Vergata'', Via del Politecnico, 1, Roma 00133, Italy. ' Istituto Applicazioni Calcolo, CNR-IAC, Viale del Policlinico 137, Roma, 00161, Italy
Abstract: Further research on both theoretical and practical aspects of a previously defined finite-volume formulation to integrate the Lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) on unstructured grids is presented. Moreover, additional explicit schemes for time discretisation are proposed. The method is tested on an impulsively started channel flow with the aim of exactly locating solid boundaries. Cavity flow simulations are used to measure the inaccuracies due to compressibility, grid and time discretisation effects. Finally, the proposed method has been tested against a laminar flow over a backward facing step in order to assess the effectiveness of open outlet boundary treatment.
Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann equation; finite volumes; unstructured grids; time discretisation; channel flow; cavity flow simulation; Lattice Boltzmann method; Lattice Boltzmann model; laminar flow; open outlet boundary.
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal, 2005 Vol.5 No.1/2, pp.85 - 96
Published online: 08 Dec 2004 *
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