Title: Secure e-government services across EU
Authors: Konstantinos Rantos; Yorgos Katsikogiannis; Andreas Papadakis; Antonis Ch. Stasis
Addresses: Department of Industrial Informatics, Kavala Institute of Technology, Ag. Loukas, Kavala, GR-65404, Greece ' Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, 80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., Piraeus, GR18534, Greece ' ASPETE, Iraklio, Athens, GR-14121, Greece ' Ministry of Public Administration Reform and E-Government, Vas. Sofias 15, Athens, GR10674, Greece
Abstract: Seamless and secure service provision has been the holy grail of e-government initiatives at a national and European level. For the first time a concrete architectural framework accompanied by solid implementation is emerging at a European level, within the context of the Services Directive. The basic framework is adopted by EU countries and currently struggles to gain the critical mass. In this paper, we describe the security requirements and operational details of this framework to carry out secure electronic transactions and to adopt new services. We also focus on e-signatures and the way they cover secure and interoperable document exchange.
Keywords: e-government services; electronic government; secure services; electronic governance; e-governance; electronic documents; electronic identification; electronic signatures; e-signatures; security; interoperability; document exchange; digital signatures; privacy; trust; authentication; EU Services Directive; European Union.
International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2013 Vol.6 No.2, pp.117 - 132
Received: 17 Dec 2012
Accepted: 17 Jun 2013
Published online: 18 Dec 2013 *