Title: Secure electronic identification (eID) in the intersection of politics and technology
Authors: Elin Wihlborg
Addresses: Unit of Public Administration, Department of Management, Linkoping University, SE 581 83, Linkoping, Sweden
Abstract: There is a growing demand for secure identification systems in online relations. Electronic identification (eID) is becoming a critical issue, both for e-government and for online relations in general. The development of eID is a combination of technical innovations such as system design and regulatory and policy considerations. This paper analyses the development of eID in Sweden, by considering it both as a technical and a political development process co-constructed through policymaking. However, the main conclusion is the lack of political awareness in this process. This is especially noticeable since the process leads to a formation of the embryo of a digital citizenship based on the need for safe and efficient identification within public administration.
Keywords: electronic identification; e-identification; secure identification; Sweden; citizenship; policy; discourse analysis; identification security; e-government; electronic government; technological innovation; politics; political awareness.
International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2013 Vol.6 No.2, pp.143 - 151
Received: 11 Dec 2012
Accepted: 24 Jun 2013
Published online: 18 Dec 2013 *