Title: Addiction in cyberspace: flow experience on e-shopping
Authors: Han-Jen Niu; Chun-Tao Chang
Addresses: Department of Management Science, Tamkang University, 151 Ying-chuan Road Tamsui, Taipei County 25137, Taiwan ' Department of Statistics, Tamking University, 151 Ying-chuan Road Tamsui, Taipei County 25137, Taiwan
Abstract: The study wants to realise that flow experience as a moderator on online buying behaviour. The object of this research is who is used to internet shopping in Taiwan and the age is between 16 and 30. The result indicates that internet addiction has positive effect on consumer purchase behaviour. And flow experience has positive moderating effect among the relationship between internet addiction and consumer purchase behaviour. Moreover, the level of flow experience has more effect on unplanned buying than planned buying. Thus, supplier can use flow theory and internet to strengthen internet users' flow experience. We should take the phenomenon of internet addiction seriously in Taiwan. Avoiding people who involve internet addiction cost too much. We can take female internet users as potential consumer to be market segmentation and increasing the willingness to pay.
Keywords: flow experience; consumer behaviour; purchase behaviour; internet addiction; internet shopping; e-shopping; online shopping; electronic shopping; online buying behaviour; Taiwan; market segmentation; willingness to pay.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2014.058386
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2014 Vol.10 No.1, pp.52 - 68
Published online: 17 May 2014 *
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