Title: Are cartoon ads effective for adult consumers?
Authors: Pakakorn Rakrachakarn; George P. Moschis
Addresses: International College, Sripatum University, 2410/2 Paholyothin Rd. Jatujak, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand ' Center for Mature Consumer Studies, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3991, USA
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cartoons in advertising. An experiment was conducted to assess consumer responses towards cartoons and non-cartoon ads of both high and low involvement products. The results revealed an interaction between ad design and involvement level. Specifically, cartoons were not effective in terms of attention, comprehension, credibility, and attitude towards the brand when used in ads of low-involvement products, but yielded positive cognitive responses (attention and comprehension) in high involvement products. These findings have implications for advertisers and marketers in determining the ad designs when cartoons are considered most suitable for promoting different types of products.
Keywords: cartoons; cartoon ads; product involvement; advertising; banner advertising; adult consumers; advertising; cartoon adverts; consumer response; product promotion; advertisement design; ad design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMA.2013.058595
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2013 Vol.8 No.2, pp.125 - 142
Received: 14 May 2013
Accepted: 01 Aug 2013
Published online: 12 Jul 2014 *