Title: Correlations between tool displacement and surface roughness in a boring process: an experimental study
Authors: Avinash M. Badadhe; Suresh Y. Bhave; Laxman G. Navale
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, 411033, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, 411038, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Modern Education Society's College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, 411001, India
Abstract: Surface roughness generated during machining is the result of vibratory displacement of the cutting tool. In the work presented here, an attempt is made to find the correlation between tool displacement and corresponding surface roughness. The results show that there exists a good correlation between vibratory tool tip displacement and corresponding surface roughness obtained. Under the variable cutting conditions, it was found that increase in both spindle speed and feed increases the displacement and surface roughness, the influence of feed variation is more significant than the spindle speed. Depth of cut does not have any significant role in variation of these values. The empirical relation found between vibratory displacements of the tool and corresponding surface roughness can be used to control the machining parameters resulting in maximum material removal rate and hence increase the productivity for the desired value of surface finish.
Keywords: surface roughness; tool vibration; cutting parameters; machining time; productivity; tool displacement; boring; surface quality; spindle speed; feed variation; depth of cut; material removal rate; MRR.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2013.058625
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2013 Vol.27 No.1/2/3, pp.18 - 32
Received: 22 Mar 2013
Accepted: 05 Sep 2013
Published online: 29 Apr 2014 *