Title: A review and weight analysis of the predictors and linkages in electronic government adoption research
Authors: Nripendra P. Rana; Yogesh K. Dwivedi; Michael D. Williams
Addresses: The School of Business, Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, Wales, UK ' The School of Business, Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, Wales, UK ' The School of Business, Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, Wales, UK
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the theoretical development of e-government adoption research. A total of 448 relevant articles were identified and collated from different sources. Filtering those articles that examined the individual adoption, we reached to the usable number of such articles to 62. The findings indicated that the most frequently used models including the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) were evenly balanced across citizens and professionals. We analysed 58 independent variables occurred two or more times and 12 dependent variables occurring four or more times. These variables were analysed further toward corresponding relationships and their degree of significance between them. A list of 36 most frequent relationships with three or more occurrences was chosen for weight analysis and a model was presented with appropriate weight for each relation. The study also acknowledges its limitations and suggests the further research directions.
Keywords: e-government adoption; theories; independent variables; dependent variables; individuals; citizens; professionals; predictors; weight analysis; electronic government; e-government research; technology acceptance model; TAM; UTAUT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2014.059208
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2014 Vol.8 No.2, pp.139 - 158
Published online: 07 Jun 2014 *
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