Title: A cost effective high-speed auto-coded embedded model predictive controller
Authors: Jonathan Currie; Arrian Prince-Pike; David I. Wilson
Addresses: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Auckland 1010, New Zealand ' Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Auckland 1010, New Zealand ' Industrial Information and Control Centre, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Abstract: Compared to PID control, model predictive controllers place high demands on the computing environment in terms of precision, speed, and memory, take time to design due to the embedded dynamic model, and do not scale particularly well. This paper describes a way to seamlessly implement a flexible MPC controller designed to operate in embedded hardware starting from a dynamic model in Matlab. The resultant controller runs stand-alone on the embedded hardware, is extremely fast, exhibits a modest memory footprint and best of all, requires no particular embedded programming experience from the user.
Keywords: model predictive control; MPC; embedded systems; auto-coding; helicopters; LQR; linear quadratic regulator; flexible controllers; controller design; dynamic modelling.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISTA.2014.059299
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2014 Vol.13 No.1/2, pp.37 - 55
Published online: 13 Jul 2014 *
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