Title: Blending foreign language learning with key competences. Does e-learning do the trick?
Authors: Ryszard Kalamarz
Addresses: Foreign Language Teaching Centre, University of Silesia, 40-407 Katowice, Poland
Abstract: Numerous benefits and advantages of different forms of CALL, blended learning in particular, offer a considerable boost for academic foreign language teaching with competences treated as essential learning outcomes measured by means of such indicators as the growth of the level of mastery of language skills (in particular listening, reading and writing), which make up the ability to communicate in a foreign language (the Council of Europe's second key competence). Research shows e-learning considerably improves the effectiveness of competence-oriented educational efforts. To this end the author devised an e-learning course English for Law and incorporated it in his English teaching practice at university. The e-course integrated with traditional classes allowed to achieve some promising teaching results especially as they went beyond developing only a foreign language competence. With the holistic approach taken, the results corresponded with the development of other key competences, especially learning to learn.
Keywords: computer assisted language learning; CALL; blended learning; e-learning; Moodle; key competences; communicative competence; linguistic competence; language skills; foreign language communication; ELT; computer-mediated collaboration; CMC; virtual communities; online communities; web based communities; foreign language learning; electronic learning; online learning; higher education; English for Law; English teaching practice.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2014.059336
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2014 Vol.24 No.1, pp.77 - 95
Published online: 24 May 2014 *
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