Title: Virtual organisation model: the new organisation and value chain framework
Authors: Elizabeth Freitas Rodrigues; Paulo Roberto Tavares Dalcol; Nélio Domingues Pizzolato; Úrsula Maruyama
Addresses: Industrial Business Education Department, CEFET-RJ, av. Maracanã, 229 Bloco E – 1 andar, Rio de Janeiro, 20271-110, Brazil ' Industrial Engineering Department, PUC-RJ, rua Marques de São Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, 22451-900, Brazil ' Industrial Engineering Department, PUC-RJ, rua Marques de São Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, 22451-900, Brazil ' Industrial Business Education Department, CEFET-RJ, Av. Maracanã, 229 Bloco E – 1 andar, Rio de Janeiro, 20271-110, Brazil
Abstract: The virtual organisation concept emerged when companies initiated to outsourcing production process using this characteristic to define their virtualisation. Thereafter, this concept has changed and obtained new dimensions. The introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) brought more changes for this organisation concept, mainly after the internet advent. As these transformations took place in a short period of time, knowledge although comprehensive, remains diffuse. This theoretical study aims to consolidate virtual organisation concepts, analysing their development since the industrial model to one in which service companies predominate. Thus, it proposes a framework of how these virtual enterprises could organise themselves.
Keywords: virtual organisations; value chain; modelling; organisational functions; virtual enterprises.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2013.059445
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2013 Vol.16 No.5/6, pp.437 - 450
Received: 08 Aug 2013
Accepted: 03 Sep 2013
Published online: 17 Sep 2014 *