Title: Team empowerment: an empirical study in Spanish University R&D teams
Authors: Pilar De Luis Carnicer, Angel Martinez Sanchez, Manuela Perez Perez, Maria Jose Vela Jimenez
Addresses: Departamento de Economia y Direccion de Empresas, Centro Politecnico Superior, Maria de Luna, 3, Zaragoza 50018, Spain. ' Departamento de Economia y Direccion de Empresas, Centro Politecnico Superior, Maria de Luna, 3, Zaragoza 50018, Spain. ' Departamento de Economia y Direccion de Empresas, Centro Politecnico Superior, Maria de Luna, 3, Zaragoza 50018, Spain. ' Departamento de Economia y Direccion de Empresas, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales, Maria de Luna, 5, Zaragoza 50018, Spain
Abstract: This paper analyses the results of a survey to university R&D teams about the moderator role of some variables on the relationship between team empowerment and team performance and organisational attitudes. The results support the positive impact of team empowerment on team performance and organisational attitudes. Regarding the moderator role of the analysed variables, the data indicate that team|s labour flexibility and age diversity decrease the positive effect of team empowerment on performance. Perceived work-based social support positively moderates the impact of team empowerment on team productivity, whereas perceived work-based organisational support moderates its impact on customer service. Finally, perceived fairness and team|s gender diversity are also positively related to job satisfaction.
Keywords: teamwork; team empowerment; team diversity; flexibility; university R&D; research and development; Spain; higher education; team performance; organisational attitudes; team productivity; job satisfaction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2005.005986
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2005 Vol.5 No.1, pp.69 - 84
Published online: 17 Jan 2005 *
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