Title: Analysis of leachates from solid waste dumpsites: a tool for predicting the quality of composts derived from landfills
Authors: V.K. Nartey; E.K. Hayford; S.K. Ametsi
Addresses: Department of Chemistry, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 56, Legon – Accra, Ghana ' Faculty of Science, Department of Earth Science, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 58, Legon – Accra., Ghana ' Faculty of Science, Environmental Science Programme, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 209, Legon, Ghana
Abstract: Leachate and soil samples were collected near five solid waste dump sites in the Accra metropolitan area of Ghana over a period of six months. The leachate samples were analysed for heavy metals, coliform bacteria and helminth eggs while the soil samples were analysed for only helminth eggs. Heavy metals analysed included Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Cu. It has been observed that the leachates contain high levels of these heavy metals and pathogens. The high heavy metal levels make the solid wastes suitable for composting only after sorting since this would remove materials which serve as sources of these heavy metals. With the high faecal and total coliform levels, choice of composting temperature and period of intensive decomposition and curing, would be key in getting rid of the pathogens.
Keywords: solid waste dump sites; landfills; leachate; heavy metals; coliform bacteria; helminth eggs; compost quality; Ghana; composting.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2014.059934
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2014 Vol.13 No.3, pp.257 - 273
Received: 17 Mar 2012
Accepted: 27 Dec 2012
Published online: 13 May 2014 *