Title: Globalisation of R&D and host-country patenting of multinational corporations in emerging countries
Authors: Alexander Gerybadze; Sebastian Merk
Addresses: Center of International Management and Innovation, University of Hohenheim, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany ' Center of International Management and Innovation, University of Hohenheim, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract: The globalisation of R&D and the establishment of R&D labs in offshore locations continuously increased in importance between 1995 and 2010. During the last ten years, we observe a strong move towards R&D offshoring in emerging countries, namely in Asia, in Central and Eastern Europe and in some Latin American countries. The paper presents new findings on R&D location decisions, on patenting and product development strategies in the most thriving host countries in Asia and Central/Eastern Europe. The article distinguishes between three different types of innovation related activities and describes the new role of host countries in emerging countries for improving the innovation competence and performance of multinational corporations: 1) the persistent formation and growth of foreign R&D labs; 2) the generation of new products at selected lead markets in emerging countries; 3) the growing participation of host-country inventors in patenting activities.
Keywords: R&D internationalisation; emerging economies; China; India; multinational corporations; MNCs; host country patenting; offshore R&D; global innovation; foreign R&D investment; global R&D activities; research and development; patents; globalisation; R&D offshoring; R&D location; location decision making; product development.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2014 Vol.64 No.2/3/4, pp.148 - 179
Accepted: 13 Oct 2013
Published online: 10 May 2014 *