Title: Are industries destined toward ''productivity paradox''? An empirical case of Korea

Authors: Junmo Kim

Addresses: Doo-San Apts. 417–402, Arum Village, Imae Dong 133, Bund Dang-Gu, City of Sung-Nam, Gyung-Gi-Do, Korea

Abstract: Advanced economies have been experiencing a common phenomenon since the 1970s called the Productivity Paradox, due to a context that the link between R&D and economic outcomes is becoming more and more difficult to track, at a time when R&D budget has been increasing. Taking the theoretical notion as a backdrop, this research attempts to analyse the Productivity Paradox phenomenon with reference to Korea. Results have found some evidence of the phenomenon, while at the same time, this research has noted that industries making serious efforts in technological upgrading may ||look bad|| by being located in the productivity paradox zone.

Keywords: productivity paradox; Gross Value Added to Property, Plant and Equipment; GVAPPE; industry; Korea; R&D; research and development; LCGVA; Labour Costs among Gross Value Added; technology upgrading.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2005.005999

International Journal of Technology Management, 2005 Vol.29 No.3/4, pp.263 - 279

Published online: 19 Jan 2005 *

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