Title: A comparative study of the alliance experiences between US and Taiwanese firms
Authors: Chung-Jen Chen, Wann-Yih Wu
Addresses: Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Road, Tainan, Taiwan. ' Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Road, Tainan, Taiwan
Abstract: The major purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis between US and Taiwanese firms for examining similarities and differences of their alliance experiences. The results indicate that first, US and Taiwanese firms have different alliance behaviours in the choice of alliance form and alliance type. Secondly, in general, the intensity of formation motive and partner interaction is positively related to the alliance performance while interfirm diversity plays a negative role in affecting the alliance performance. However, alliance performance of both US and Taiwanese firms is affected by different patterns of alliance form, formation motive and interfirm diversity.
Keywords: alliance forms; alliance types; formation motives; interfirm diversity; partner interaction; alliance performance; Taiwan; USA; strategic alliances.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2005 Vol.29 No.1/2, pp.136 - 151
Published online: 19 Jan 2005 *
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