Title: Recovering from science: how far can we push?
Authors: Chang Woo Yoo, Junmo Kim
Addresses: Doo-San Apts. 417–402, Arum Village, Imae Dong 133, Bund Dang-Gu, City of Sung-Nam, Gyung-Gi-Do, Korea. ' Doo-San Apts. 417–402, Arum Village, Imae Dong 133, Bund Dang-Gu, City of Sung-Nam, Gyung-Gi-Do, Korea
Abstract: Expecting recovery from science and its applications is a newly growing field in different countries, and there have been debates on its efficacy as a policy option. Noting the salience, this paper attempted to discuss the issue of cost recovery in the area of meteorological research. After a theoretical review, this research focused on the aeronautical meteorology case of Korea. As a policy option, cost recovery implies possibilities as well as limitations built in the concept.
Keywords: cost recovery; aeronautical meteorology; government reform; science; Korea; government policy.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2005 Vol.29 No.3/4, pp.348 - 361
Published online: 19 Jan 2005 *
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