Title: Semantically connected learning resources fostering intuitive guided learning
Authors: Nicola Capuano; Saverio Salerno; Giuseppina Rita Mangione; Anna Pierri
Addresses: Department of Information Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Applied Mathematics, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA), Italy ' Department of Information Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Applied Mathematics, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA), Italy ' CRMPA – Centre of Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA), Italy ' CRMPA – Centre of Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Abstract: If on the one hand the individualised teaching approaches try to find the best sequence of learning resources capable of satisfying individual goals, preferences and contexts, the intuitive guided learning approaches, on the other hand, envisages a non-linear learning experience where each learner can chose a personal path across the material according to his/her interests and preferences. In this paper we present a model, a methodology and a software prototype that is able to combine the advantages of both approaches by introducing the concept of 'compound learning resource': complex didactic artefacts where content is organised in pages and navigation among pages is user-driven. The pages are linked through semantic connections that have a two-fold function: they guide the learners' navigation, and allow the dynamic adaptation of the resource according to learners' needs and preferences (individualisation). Experimental results with real users in a university context are also presented as well as a comparison with similar systems.
Keywords: individualised teaching; typed links; intuitive guided learning; semantic link networks; semantics; compound learning resources; higher education; semantic connections; learner navigation; dynamic adaptation; resource adaptation; learner needs; learner preferences.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2014.060153
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2014 Vol.24 No.2, pp.122 - 140
Received: 29 Dec 2012
Accepted: 28 Jul 2013
Published online: 24 May 2014 *