Title: Anisotropic and nonlinear diffusion applied to image enhancement and edge detection
Authors: M. Ait Oussous; N. Alaa; Y. Ait Khouya
Addresses: Faculty of Science and Technology, UFR Metrology Automatic and System Analysis, Laboratory LAMAI, BP 549, Marrakech, Morocco ' Faculty of Science and Technology, Laboratory LAMAI, University Cadi Ayyad, P.O. Box 549, Marrakech, Morocco ' Faculty of Science and Technology, UFR Metrology Automatic and System Analysis, Laboratory LAMAI, BP 549, Marrakech, Morocco
Abstract: In this paper, we suggest a new processing algorithm based on anisotropic diffusion and nonlinear process for removing noise and image enhancement. The principle of the proposed algorithm is to apply a Gaussian filter to the image gradient when computing the diffusion coefficient and to choose the gradient threshold parameter depending on the gradient of the image at each iteration in the model adopted by Morfu (2009). We compare this algorithm with that of Morfu. A number of experimental results are described to illustrate its performance and indicate that it is very efficient in removing noise, image enhancement and edge preserving.
Keywords: image processing; anisotropic diffusion; nonlinear diffusion; reaction-diffusion equations; PDEs; partial differential equations; image enhancement; edge detection; noise removal; Gaussian filter; image gradient; gradient threshold.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2014.060523
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2014 Vol.49 No.2, pp.122 - 133
Published online: 02 Mar 2015 *
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