Title: Development of rational tyre models for vehicle dynamics control design and combined vehicle state/parameter estimation
Authors: S. Çağlar Başlamışlı
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara 06800, Turkey
Abstract: In this paper, control oriented rational tyre models are developed and incorporated in the design of vehicle dynamics estimators and controllers. Previously proposed rational models are used to derive a generic rational tyre model whose parameters are obtained through the optimisation of an increased number of regression terms. The proposed model results in vehicle dynamic responses that closely follow those obtained with a Magic Formula tyre model for a range of driving scenarios, especially on low µ roads. The usage of rational tyre models in the design of a gain-scheduled active front steering controller working in coordination with a nonlinear observer is demonstrated in the second part of the paper where the vehicle model is expressed as a linear parameter varying system. This final step demonstrates the strength of the rational tyre models' selected structure allowing the estimation of vehicle states through the estimation of the road adhesion coefficient which is obtained by simple algebraic computations.
Keywords: rational tyre models; vehicle dynamics; vehicle control; state estimation; parameter estimation; Magic Formula tyre models; nonlinear observer; vehicle design; modelling; steering control; road adhesion coefficient.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2014 Vol.65 No.2/3, pp.144 - 175
Received: 09 Apr 2012
Accepted: 12 Sep 2012
Published online: 30 Oct 2014 *