Title: Effects of pavement texture on pavement friction: a review
Authors: Chengyi Huang; Xin Huang
Addresses: School of ME, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, China ' Medical School, China Medical University, China
Abstract: Although the sliding friction of vehicle tyres was first studied a long time ago, some fundamental aspects of the interaction mechanism and phenomenon between pavement texture and tyre tread still remain unclear. At present, most of the theoretical functions used to predict the interaction are based on experimental regressive analysis. Therefore, understanding of the interaction mechanism is rather limited. On the other hand, traffic accidents are serious problems that cause the loss of both life and property. Some fatal accidents were found to result from deficiency in pavement friction. Thus, a review and summary of the present research works relevant to pavement texture and pavement friction are provided and some future research work is discussed.
Keywords: skid resistance; surface roughness; pavements; hysteresis; adhesives; pavement texture; pavement friction; sliding friction; vehicle tyres; tyre tread.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2014 Vol.65 No.2/3, pp.256 - 269
Accepted: 28 Oct 2013
Published online: 30 Oct 2014 *