Title: Non-Markovian bulk queueing system with state dependent arrivals and multiple vacations - a simulation approach
Authors: K.S. Ramaswami; S. Jeyakumar
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore – 641-014, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College, Coimbatore – 641-018, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: We considered a non-Markovian bulk arrival general bulk service queueing system with state dependent arrivals and multiple vacations in this paper. The arrivals occur in bulk with a rate λ, when the server is busy and with a rate λ0, when the server is on vacation. Using a supplementary variable technique and difference differential equations method we derive the queue size distribution, expected length of idle and busy periods and expected queue size of a Mx/G(a, b)/1 queueing system with state dependent arrivals and multiple vacations. We study the same through simulation using ARENA, a powerful manufacturing system simulation software and obtained some performance measures, which are mandatory for the study and analysis of the said queueing model. The simulated results for a few cases are presented.
Keywords: fast arrivals; slow arrivals; bulk service; simulation; supplementary variables; bulk queueing; state dependent arrivals; multiple vacations; simulation; queue size.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2014.060853
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 2014 Vol.6 No.3, pp.344 - 356
Published online: 28 Jun 2014 *
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