Title: Sharing experienced Baby-Boomers' tacit knowledge: the design of tacit knowledge sense-making-sharing interactions

Authors: Patrícia Cristina Nascimento Souto

Addresses: University Center of United Metropolitan Faculties (FMU), Program of Masters and Doctorate in Management, Research Program on Tacit Knowledge Creation and Communication, Sense-Making and Dialogic Practices, Liberty Avenue, 749 – Liberty, São Paulo, SP, 01503-001, Brazil

Abstract: The workforce aging and retirement, the increasing complexity of knowledge required for work, and the limited cross-generational knowledge interactions - a draining of opportunities to share experts' knowledge - have aggravated the need to effectively share experts' tacit knowledge with the new entrants in the workforce: the Generation Y. Such draining risks impoverishing knowledge creation for innovation. To reduce the effects of the above, the research seeks to understand how tacit knowledge sharing interactions can be qualitatively designed to potentiate such practice attuned to differences and the challenges in accessing tacit knowledge. It emerges critical skills and conversation qualitative characteristics, providing a sense-making-and-communication-oriented framework for such interactions.

Keywords: tacit knowledge; knowledge sharing; sense-making; knowledge creation; innovation; knowledge communication; knowledge interactions; knowing interactions; interaction design.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2014.060878

International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2014 Vol.15 No.3, pp.299 - 327

Published online: 21 Jun 2014 *

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