Title: The mathematical modelling of 21NiCrMo2 low alloy steel carburising in less common carburising media
Authors: Daniela Dragomir; Mihai Ovidiu Cojocaru; Leontin Nicolae Druga
Addresses: UTTIS Industries, 20 Calea Bucuresti, Vidra, 077185, Ilfov, Romania ' UTTIS Industries, 20 Calea Bucuresti, Vidra, 077185, Ilfov, Romania ' UTTIS Industries, 20 Calea Bucuresti, Vidra, 077185, Ilfov, Romania
Abstract: The experimental research aimed at mathematical modelling of the carburising process in less common carburising media (paste and urban fuel gas) through explicitness of the mathematical correlations between the chemical-structural and mechanical properties of carburised layers obtained on a low alloy steel (21NiCrMo2) and thermochemical processing parameters. The mathematical models developed for the carbon concentration, hardness and retained austenite in the carburised layer represent the effect of the statistical processing of the experimental results using the experiment programming method and reflect with high probability the real carburising behaviour of the 21NiCrMo2 steel in the specified conditions (temperatures of 900-1000°C and holding times of 30-90 min). These models are very useful tools to those are processing this steel in less common carburising media because they allow the estimation of the carburising results in the specified conditions and the efficiency of the decisions related to the processing parameters and ensure the results reproducibility.
Keywords: low alloy steel carburising; 21NiCrMo2 steel; carburising paste; urban fuel gas; experiment programming; mathematical modelling; thermochemical processing; carbon concentration; hardness; retained austenite.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2014.061052
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2014 Vol.9 No.1, pp.60 - 70
Published online: 30 Apr 2015 *
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