Title: Reliability as part of the engineering process
Authors: S. Vikman
Addresses: VOLVO car Corporation Manager, Reliability Engineering, Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract: Vehicle reliability is one of the major factors influencing car buyers in their choice of make. A brief review is presented of the reliability engineering programme operated by Volvo. From the engineering point of view reliability is a quality parameter which is made measurable, predictable and controllable. Reliability is also closely linked to maintainability, and thus reliability goals are often set as part of a trade-off between these two properties with the aim of achieving optimal availability.
Keywords: vehicle design; reliability analysis; maintainability; vehicle reliability; failure mode effects and criticality analysis; FMECA.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1983 Vol.4 No.2, pp.205 - 215
Published online: 25 May 2014 *
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