Title: The Volvo electronic traction control (ETC) system
Authors: L. Lind
Addresses: Volvo Car Corporation, Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract: When driving on low-friction road surfaces or on roads with variable friction conditions, it is easy to lose control of the car, especially when stepping too hard on the accelerator pedal. The problem is increasing with the use of more powerful high-performance, turbocharged engines. Especially when overtaking, it is easy to lose driving wheel lateral stability by a too high wheel spin rate, causing dangerous skidding. The Volvo ETC system has been developed to avoid such situations. lt is designed to optimize traction and lateral stability by controlling engine torque in response to the actual road conditions. This paper describes the theoretical background, the component and the functions of the Volvo ETC system.
Keywords: electronic traction control; ETC; driving wheel lateral stability; engine output regulation; vehicle safety; microprocessor applications; Volvo.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1983 Vol.4 No.2, pp.216 - 220
Published online: 25 May 2014 *
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