Title: Evaluation of a 3PL company: an approach of fuzzy modelling
Authors: Ankit Bansal; Pravin Kumar; Siddhant Issar
Addresses: Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, 110042, India ' MBA-IT&MSCLIS Division, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 211012, India ' Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, 110042, India
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a methodology to evaluate the performance of third party logistics (3PL) company using a team approach. The criteria to evaluate the performance of 3PL have been identified through literature review and in consultation with practitioners. The weightage to criteria and the performance evaluation of 3PL are based on the information gathered by the performance measurement team (PMT). A fuzzy logic is used to incorporate the perception of PMT members. The uniqueness of the method is to incorporate the views of multiple decision makers so that biasness in decision can be minimised. This is the process that can be used by a company to evaluate his own performance with more accuracy. The managements of 3PL companies can use this methodology to evaluate their performance with high accuracy. Application of proposed methodology incorporating the team approach to evaluate the performance of 3PL is the originality of this paper.
Keywords: multicriteria decision making; MCDM; team approach; performance measurement; fuzzy logic; third party logistics; 3PL; modelling.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAOM.2014.061432
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 2014 Vol.6 No.2, pp.131 - 161
Received: 05 Feb 2013
Accepted: 20 Sep 2013
Published online: 02 Jul 2014 *