Title: Layout and process optimisation: using computer-aided design (CAD) and simulation through an integrated systems design tool
Authors: Luis M.S. Dias; Guilherme A.B. Pereira; Pavel Vik; José A. Oliveira
Addresses: ALGORITMI Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal ' ALGORITMI Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal ' ALGORITMI Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal ' ALGORITMI Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Abstract: The design of production and logistic systems is a process of managing both technical and organisational variants in order to identify the best solution for a given system. This paper discusses design issues of production systems that are applied to an internal logistic system in the automotive industry. As far as the production systems design (PSD) is concerned, three basic classes of software tools usually pertain: computer-aided design (CAD), process simulation, and information systems. However, these software tools have been used with low levels of integration. Vik et al. (2010b, 2010c) proposed integrating these software resources in production systems and developed an advanced tool called integrated design of systems (IDS). The proposed IDS tool involves a wide set of functions for the most common tasks of PSD, from conceptualisation to implementation, including systems analysis (P-Q, cluster, and material flow analysis), automatic generation of simulation models, generation of alternatives for the layout of facilities and factories, material flows display, transportation system design, and iterative buffer size specification. The IDS approach takes advantage of simulation, CAD systems, and their integration. This paper will demonstrate the concept and functionalities of the proposed tool in a real industrial case study.
Keywords: integrated systems design; production planning; production systems design; computer aided design; CAD; simulation; layout optimisation; process modelling; internal logistics; simulation; automatic generation; system analysis; WITNESS; just-in-time; JIT; automotive manufacturing; automobile industry; facilities layout; material flow; buffer size; case study.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2014.061437
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2014 Vol.9 No.1/2, pp.46 - 62
Received: 26 Feb 2013
Accepted: 18 Oct 2013
Published online: 11 Oct 2014 *