Title: Emission behaviour of heavy-duty vehicles: a holistic calculation method
Authors: T. Sams, J. Tieber
Addresses: Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics, Technical University Graz, Inffeldgasse 25, 8010 Graz, Austria. ' Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics, Technical University Graz, Inffeldgasse 25, 8010 Graz, Austria
Abstract: This paper presents a semi-empirical, analytical method for calculating emissions caused by heavy-duty vehicles. The method is based on raw data determined with the help of the German-Swiss |Heavy duty vehicle emission factors programme|, and is mainly founded on a systematized data structure. The systematization, which concerns the emission data and the driving behaviour data, gives access to a much broader database than the emission factors programme. The chosen method provides for an analytical assessment of emission- and traffic-relevant measures.
Keywords: driving cycles; dynamic emission behaviour; emissions calculation; emissions factor; fuel consumption; heavy-duty vehicles; heavy vehicles; vehicle emissions; exhaust emissions; air pollution.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 1997 Vol.18 No.3/4, pp.293 - 311
Published online: 29 May 2014 *
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