Title: Factory information provision using hypermedia
Authors: Richard Crowder, Wendy Hall, Ian Heath, Gary Wills
Addresses: Multimedia Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. ' Multimedia Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. ' Multimedia Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. ' Multimedia Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Abstract: A hypermedia system permits the user to have access to a wide range of stored information, in a fully structured manner. While this technology is now widely accepted in education and related fields, it has not as yet been fully exploited within manufacturing industry. This paper shows that, by using an open hypermedia system, a common resource base can be used for a range of activities including training, maintenance, and diagnostics. This approach to information management is illustrated by the development of a large-scale hypermedia information system for Pirelli Cables Ltd, Aberdare, South Wales. The paper concludes by identifying future developments, including advanced user interfaces, access to remote information resources, and real time diagnostics, that will further enhance this approach to an integrated information provision within the industrial environment.
Keywords: hypermedia; training; maintenance; diagnostics; information management; user interfaces; manufacturing industry; Pirelli Cables; UK; United Kingdom; information integration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.1998.062216
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1998 Vol.11 No.6, pp.442 - 453
Published online: 01 Jun 2014 *
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