Title: Two novel sweep-based heuristics for the vehicle routing problem
Authors: Abdesslem Layeb; Salim Chikhi
Addresses: MISC Laboratory, Department of Information and Applications, University of Constantine II, Ali Mendjeli city, Constantine 25000, Algeria ' MISC Laboratory, Department of Information and Applications, University of Constantine II, Ali Mendjeli city, Constantine 25000, Algeria
Abstract: The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a well-known complex problem and widely used in supply chains. The objective is to construct an optimal set of routes serving a number of customers under some constraints. The purpose of this study is to present two novel heuristics based on a new density distance which uses the polar coordinates of the sweep algorithm and the customer demand. The proposed algorithms use the ratio between the customer demands and the polar coordinates as ordering criteria. The proposed heuristics are based on three steps. In the first step, a giant tour is constructed by using two new ordering criteria. Next, the split procedure is applied to get feasible routes subject to the vehicles' capacities. Finally, each route of the constructed solution is improved by the application of the nearest neighbour heuristic. The results of the experiment indicate that the proposed heuristics are encouraging.
Keywords: optimisation problems; VRP; vehicle routing problem; constructive heuristics; sweep heuristic; nearest neighbour heuristic.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2014.062362
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2014 Vol.49 No.3/4, pp.263 - 269
Published online: 02 Mar 2015 *
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